The hunter primal save fix
The hunter primal save fix

the hunter primal save fix

prevented dgVoodoo from manipulating the window style (see readme_commandline for more info).fixed the menu buttons not working in some cases when using dgVoodoo.fixed the flickering cursor when using dgVoodoo.the game window is now centered in windowed mode.restored the Hacking Device (replaces “Look Down” in the controls menu, default H).restored the Welding Torch (replaces “Look Up” in the controls menu, default Y).singleplayer: fixed a common crash on the loading screen.singleplayer: fixed slow movement of some objects at high frame rates.fixed the player character not moving at high frame rates.fixed animation slowdowns at high frame rates.fixed the internal client and server timers.added various command-line options (see readme_commandline.txt).added a console (see readme_console.txt).chat messages are now scaled on high resolutions.improved rendering performance of some 2D surfaces.fixed a bug that causes black screens on Intel gpus (fix by thecanonmaster).

the hunter primal save fix

  • added widescreen support, automatically calculated by the game.
  • the hunter primal save fix

    added raw mouse input (enabled by default, use +rawmouse 0 to disable).the game will always keep the renderer active to prevent unexpected crashes.added borderless window mode (+borderless 1).unlocked all resolutions in the Graphics menu.fixed broken fonts on newer versions of Windows.In addition to resurrecting the multiplayer, the Master Server Patch also comes with some patching that now finally allows for the game to be played in widescreen! Full patch details are below. And now they’re giving Primal Hunt it’s turn! Predator 2! AvP Unknown are also the caretakers of the Master Server Patch for the original, which restored multiplayer functionality back in 2008. Predator 2: Primal Hunt, the Third Law Interactive developed expansion pack for Monolith Production’s original Aliens vs. The team over at AvP Unknown has resurrected the multiplayer for Aliens vs.

    The hunter primal save fix